Monday, July 22, 2013

On the Road, but not yet Of the Road

7:30 AM Monday Morning...Starbucks and a skinny mocha.

I stayed in a hotel last night.  I just wasn't quite ready to re-engage the camping gear and it appeared I needed one more night of modest comfort.  It's not that I don't like my camping really is pretty effective and comfortable -- and I have a new hammock that I'll enjoy testing; however, nothing about yesterday supported a mindset of engaging wilderness.  Driving through Rocky Mountain National Park was akin to driving in LA in rush hour traffic, except a big chunk of the road was gravel.  Dust and congestion and frustration.  At one point as I passed a parking area I overhead someone getting out of their car exclaiming, "Frustration!"  At times the scenery was beautiful, but it was crazy busy.  So, note to self, don't visit that park on the weekend.

The last time I was here was with Katie and Martin, and it must have been a weekday as we were pretty much the ONLY people on the Old Falls road, which was super cool.  I also have connections to Steamboat Springs as Sheri and I were here skiing a few years before we got married.  It's a beautiful little town and I'm sure I couldn't afford to be here during ski season!

So, now it's time to venture to new places and try ad escape the crowds.  Given that it's a Monday and I'm now far away from Denver I think it should be easier.  I'm going to head up to Flaming Gorge and then to Bridger National Forest.

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