Monday was a day
highlighted by two very different hikes.
As planned, I
left the campsite at Meadowlark Lake and in short order found road 422, a
serviceable gravel road leading through some sub-alpine forest. My plan was to follow 422 to 419, which was
listed as a gravel road suitable for passenger cars and which terminated at a
trail leading into the area below Cloud Peak.
There were several RV campers set up along the road in distributed
sites, a theme would be intensified later in the day. Less than a mile down the road an unmarked
gravel path that could have been a road, as in it could have been 419, wandered
off into a pasture that at that moment was filled with sheep on the move. Somewhere in amongst them was a sheep with a
bell, and the sound of their journey across the road in question was
distinct. Not sure that this was the
right path I continued down 422 for a bit but quickly encountered a stream
crossing under the road, which meant that my sheep covered path was, in fact,
419. I turned around and headed for the
When I got
there, the sheep had mostly crossed the path, but the more I looked at this
supposed road the more uncertain I was about its suitability. It was crossed by several largish washout
ruts and littered with rocks and partially uncovered boulders. It headed up the hill to my left, so I
followed it, weaving about to find the path least likely to insult the
undercarriage of my Prius; an undercarriage that is in the best of times not very
far from the ground. As I headed over
the top of the hill, the road plunged…and I am not exaggerating…down into a
valley of pasture land. The rocks were
at times so bad that it was better to leave the road and drive through the
unknown perils of the grass. I continue
this way toward the other end of the valley, at which point the road turned
left and was proceeding over a hill into an open valley up that direction. At the bottom of the valley just after the
turn, the road was crossed by a small stream…without benefit of bridge or
culvert…it just washed over the road.
Seemed like a good time to get out and walk. In theory, this road was supposed to go to
the trailhead, but I already had considerable anxiety about my ability to get
out back over the terrain I’d already covered.
It was time to acknowledge that apparently a Prius is not part of what
the Forestry Service includes in its category labeled, Passenger Car.
As expected, the
trail continued to the high point of the ridge, and then turned down into a
valley below before moving into the trees across the valley. I suspect that had I followed it further it
would have brought me up above the trees and to the alpine section that I could
see across the valley, but I was done for now.
I took a few pictures and then turned back toward the car. It was an easy hike back down, during which I
found a small vertebrate in the grass, and when I reached the car the sheep had
spread themselves out in the valley below the road. Assuming I could follow my path in without
incident, I should be able to get back. I
had gone about a hundred yards when suddenly three large huskies came charging
out of the flock of sheep barking as if their lives depended on it. They charged the car from behind and, fearing
I might hit one of them, I slowed to a stop (it wasn’t like I was going fast in
the first place). As soon as I stopped,
they seemed satisfied that I wasn’t going to wander any further from the flock,
and they milled about quietly beside the car.
I experimented with driving away.
They attacked again, happily waving their tails I might add. I stopped.
They stopped. It seemed clear
that they had it in their heads that I was a very large and unusual blue member
of the sheep herd (flock…herd…I think it’s flock but herd sounds better
here). I tried again with the same
result. So I sat there quietly waiting
for them to decide that they needn’t worry about me. They slowly drifted off toward the sheep,
though one of them kept looking back out of the corner of his eye. Finally, I slowly rolled away and it seemed
they had lost interest. I was able to
navigate the road back without incident, and my greatest emotion in the entire
escapade was immense relief that I had returned to safe ground and would not
have to find some amicable cowboy to drag my city car out of his pasture.
From there I
traveled back over the Powder River pass and into Buffalo. About half-way between the top of the pass
and Buffalo I began to pass bikers pedaling their way up the mountain. There were quite a lot of them and in one
rest area there was a comfort van where volunteers were giving massages and
fresh water to the bikers. It’s a rise
from 4,600 feet to 9,300 feet between Buffalo and the top of the pass. I’m pretty sure they had started in Buffalo,
as it was about 11AM, which would have been enough time to get to where I saw
them. I didn’t realize what was going on
until I had passed most of them, so I wasn’t able to ask for sure. In any event, I was completely impressed.
I soon arrived
in Buffalo, where I used a fully plumbed restroom and purchased a coffee. In order to investigate the north end of the
Big Horns, I would need to run up I90 to Ranchester, where I would connect with
highway 14 and head back into the forest.
The northern and southern sections of the Big Horns are not connected on
the interior by any roads that I might venture to travel. There does seem to be some sort of trail
system that might do the job, but I would need a real ATV, not a fake Prius
ATV. The road goes through a small town
and I stopped there to purchase a frozen steak (no grocery store in town so no
fresh meat) for dinner. Steak on the
fire pit grill had an awesome sound. If
they had had baked potatoes I would have purchased one, but alas no such
luck. The road up into the Big Horns
goes over the Tongue River pass and it is a beautiful drive. Once over the pass you quickly come to
Burgess Junction, where 14A runs off to the west through the northwest section
of the forest, and 14 heads south into the west central section. I had been checking off the points of
interest from the forest service map and one of these was a water fall some off
a road on 14A, so I headed that direction.
The terrain along 14A is remarkably different from anywhere else in the
Big Horns. It consists of a large basin
that is probably at about 9,000 feet.
Used largely for sheep grazing, it has a variety of streams and creeks
flowing through it, and is punctuated by various peaks that climb to 10,000
feet or so. At one point I was in the
valley of the North Tongue River, where a number of cars were parked presumably
by folks who were fly fishing in the river.
This terrain is also different because, unlike the southern portion of
the Big Horns, you are often at high points where you can see down through the
valleys and then into the large basic that runs between the Big Horns and Bear
Tooth ranges. It is an enormous vista.
It wasn’t long
before I came to road 14 (not to be confused with highway 14) and followed the
gravel road accordingly. When I came to
a steep canyon that had been the site of a large burn in 1967 and was still
quite markedly impacted by that event I also came to the side road that leads
to Porcupine Falls. It was a short ride
in, with a strange little abandoned wooden shack sitting just short of the
parking area. The forest service map
describes this point of interest as a, “Short day hike to overlook where 200
foot thundering waterfall can be viewed.”
Sounds lovely, yes? I’m not sure
where the overlook is supposed to be, unless they are referring to the last
bend in the trail down the side of the canyon.
From there, it is true, you can see the waterfall; however, at that
point you have walked 90% of the way down the canyon face so you might as well
finish the hike to stand at the foot of the waterfall and dip a toe in the
When I started
down the trail from the parking lot, I wondered where the waterfall was, as I
couldn’t really hear it. The trail
itself immediately starts to go down steeply and after about 100 feet you can
hear the falls start to become more distinct.
You continue on another couple of hundred feet, and for a little bit the
falls fade from your hearing. Another
couple of hundred feet and they are prominent again. Keep in mind, all of this is going
down…quickly. At this point I
encountered a couple with four kids, three walking and one riding on dad’s
back. I was impressed with their energy
as they walked up the trail and asked if it were much further. Dad says, “you’re about half way…it’s not too
bad.” I am old and feeble. Another couple hundred feet and it sounds like
you may be getting there.
Pretty soon
they are in view and they are quite lovely.
The pool is also lovely. There
was a family at the bottom as well, this time the parents along with two
teenage daughters and a younger child.
They kids were egging on the father to jump in the water, which was
similar to the water in the Stillwater back in Montana. He had his shoes on, which seemed an odd
choice, and was edging his way to the water, though with some reluctance. He and I commiserated for a few moments about
the probable water temperature and I described the pool on the upper
Stillwater. He remarked that the girls
had already jumped in, so they thought it was his turn. I took a few pictures, sat for a bit, and
then headed back up the path. Before I
had reached the first turn that took the pool out of view he had finally jumped
in and as he climbed out he gave me a friendly little wave that seemed to be
sharing some kind of fatherly bond.
The climb up the
hill was a challenge for me. I rested
about every seventy-five steps, and to amuse myself counted the number of steps
required to get to the top. It required
1,284…less than I had anticipated. I
took a series of pictures…one looking back after every 150
steps that I'll post separately. I was hot and sweaty, so it
seemed a good moment to change into clean clothes before heading back out to
the highway.
Having pretty
much covered all of 14A that interested me, I headed back toward Burgess
Junction intending to get back on 14 and follow it down to the west central
section of the forest. When I passed
through the Tongue River valley again I saw more folks fly fishing, so I
stopped and asked how they were doing.
To my surprise, this is prime time for fly fishing, not in the spring
when apparently the water is too cold. I
am amazed at the tiny streams they are fishing in. They are mostly not more than twenty feet
wide and you can see so clearly in them that its hard to believe there are fish
there that can’t be seen. But there were
fishers scattered throughout the valley, so I guess it works. I listed for a bit as an old hand had a
conversation with a young couple and a kid, all of whom were fishing, about
flies that work and places to go.
By this time it
was after five and I was starting to consider where I might camp or whether
this might be a good night to do a hotel.
I had five sticks of good firewood in the car and a steak to put on a
grill, so it seemed silly not to camp, but the north end of the Big Horns is
very different from the south. In the south
there are campgrounds just off the road all along route 16, but so far, after
driving quite a long way, I had mostly just seen RV camping in random spots off
the side roads and no organized tent camping at all. The map indicated that if I went down 14 to
the west I would come to an area where there were a number of campgrounds, one
of which was called Shell Creek, which sounded appealing. Shell Canyon was a dramatic area with a road
that hugs the side of the canyon and winds down until suddenly, there’s a road
up into the canyon indicating camping.
Sure enough, there was the campground laying right along Shell
My white noise box was provided
by nature yet again. I quickly unpacked,
put on bug goop…the bugs are pretty thick here…and am ready for a night of good
1 comment:
I can't imagined how you navigated through unpaved, rocky and muddy terrain by your car. By the looks of tough track you've traveled, it appears that you would have, indeed a real ATV for such travel. But if you're going to buy or use one, make sure you follow the proper safety precautions and maintain it well to avoid accidents and injuries.
- Delena @
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